Monday 14 January 2013

Audience Research and Analysis of Data

Using SurveyMonkey I created a survey asking the public 10 questions. 
The data collected, influenced some decisions that I made when making my magazine. 

Here I asked 'what is your gender' - my results told me that it was almost 50-50. 

By asking 'How often do you buy magazines' this gave me an idea of what to make my magazine. 'Occasionaly' was the most popular answer, therefore I decided to make my magazine come out monthly.  

Most people answered that the would maybe subscribe to a magazine. Therefore I decided to not make it so that you could subscribe to my magazine. 

I asked what genre of music people listen to and pop was the biggest percentage. Therefore, I made my magazine so that it focused more around pop music. 

By asking how old people were, this gave me an idea of what to make my target audience. The biggest percentage by far was 16-20 year olds which is who I aimed my magazine at. 

I asked what type of articles people preferred to read, the biggest percentage of people said interviews. This is why I chose to make my double page spread an interview. 

When asked how much they were prepared to spend buying a magazine, most answered £3.00. With this in mind, I priced my magazine at £2.99. 

Most people preferred to have a magazine that has an equal balance of both text and images. Therefore I made my magazine have an equal balance. 

Most people replied that they are likely to buy 'Heat', this is a gossip magazine. Knowing this, I made my magazine have gossip elements. 

People said that if a magazine was offering a free gift, this would persuade them to buy the magazine. With this in mind, I changed this slightly and offered 'VIP tickets'. With doing this, it would encourage people to buy the magazine, and get people involved. 

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