Monday 7 January 2013

The Recce

1.    Are there any potential hazards that could pose a health and safety risk where your photo shoot will take place (trailing cables/traffic/other objects )? No, There are no heath and safety hazards for any of my models. Other than maybe one of my models tripping over on wires. 
2.    What will you do to ensure these risks are minimised? To minimise these risks, I will make sure that I work in a clean, tidy space and environment  
3.    Will the time of day/weather affect the outcome of the photos? Have you allowed for this? For my front cover image, I will need to take the photo in day life - this helping improve the lighting. However, some of my extra images that I will use in my DPS have to taken in the dark. I will do this intentionally. 
4.    Have you considered the background to your photos, particularly if taken outside? How will you ensure you will get the background you want? For my front cover, I will cut myself out of the image and place myself onto a plain background. On my DPS, with the photographs that will be taken at night - these backgrounds will be black. To get the background I want, I will position my models where I want them. 
5.    Have you considered lighting? What about the ‘problems’ of natural lighting, either outside, or streaming through a window? Will you need to use a flash? Have you considered reflective objects that might spoil the effect? To get a bright lighting for my face, I will use both natural light to my advantage and also a flash. On the images that I will take outside, at night, the flash may contrast badly with peoples faces and allot of colours may change negatively. 
6.    Do you need permission to take photos in the place/venue you have in mind? No, for where I want to take my photo's, it is outside of the venue. Therefore I do not need permission to take a photograph. 
7.    Do you need to book time in a room (eg the photography studio at Shiney)? No. 
8.    Are other people/crowds likely to be an issue for you? What have you done to ensure that it will not spoil the effect? For taking my photograph outside the Radison Blue Hotel in Durham, people may be an issue. However, to prevent this, I will go of an late evening time where people will most likely be out. 
9.    Are you reliant on lifts/props/friends’ equipment/models? How have you planned that these things will come together at the appointed time? Plan B? As I am the main model for my magazine, I will be able to know 100% that I will go through with the images. However, I am reliant on a friend taking my picture, I will need to plan time where our schedules are both free. If I am really not happy with the outcome of my photographs, I will resort to Plan B, which would be to make someone else the main model. 
10. Finally, have you thought of every eventuality…? The only main eventuality that has crossed my mind is that my camera may break, and/or die and I loose the charger. 

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