Monday 14 January 2013

Sample fonts for my magazine

Sizzzzzle, Sizzzzzle, Sizzzzzle, Sizzzzzle, Sizzzzzle , Sizzzzzle, SIZZZLE, Sizzzle, Sizzzzle,
SIZZZZLE, SIZZZLE, SIZZZLE, SIZZZLE, SIZZZLE, SIZZZLE, Sizzzle, Sizzzle, Sizzzle, Sizzzle.Sizzzle, Sizzzle, Sizzzzle, Sizzzle, Sizzzle, Sizzzzle, SIZZZLE, Sizzzzle, SIZZZLE, Sizzzzle, Sizzzzle

SIZZZZLE is the font I decided on for my masthead. I decided to make the text bold and in block capitals. I will also use this font continuously through my magazine for the other main headings, essential information, etc. This will make my magazine look neat and structured throughout.  
However for the all of the sell lines I will use font 'Skia', this will attract the reader to look there as it stands out from the other text. E.g. Schorching Singles

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