Monday 21 January 2013

Front cover, Update 1

This is my magazine in its current state. Firstly, I chose my picture which I wanted to be my dominant image. When I chose my image, I used photoshop to cut out the the background. I edited my image so that it was a medium close up shot. 

After I had edited my image so it was positioned where I wanted it on the page, I added my masthead. As I had already chosen my font that I wanted my masthead to be, I had to position it where I wanted. I made it to be in capital letters, so that it stood out. From here, I went onto blending options and outlined my masthead with a dark purple. With the name of my magazine being 'Sizzzzle', I thought to edit the dark purple so that it had a 'sizzling effect'. 

After I had made my masthead look the way I wanted, I then had to position the text. I made it so that it was placed behind my image. I did this because most professional, well know magazines (such as Billboard, etc) position the image above the masthead. Therefore, by me doing this, it creates the illusion that 'Sizzzzle' is too a professional, well known magazine. \

Finally, I created my skyline and positioned this at the top of the page. Again, with my magazine being called 'Sizzzzle' it relates to danger (i.e. hot). Therefore, I had the idea to create a skyline so that it looked like a police warning tape. 

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