Thursday 31 January 2013

Contents Page, Update 4

Here I have taken the pink box out because I didn't like the way the contents page looked. Therefore, the contents is now black on white - which I think is easier for he audience to read. 

I used the 'rectangular tool' again and instead underlined 'contents'. I stuck to the same colour pink as before and added a black font on top. The black font was the 'essential information', I added issue number and date to the contents page as many magazines do this. 
Also, I used 'rectangular tool' to rule off the singles and albums column, again sticking to the same shade of pink. 
I have also used this tool to create another section where I created a small advert 'sizzle special'. Again, by the use of alliteration it attracts the audience. 

Contents Page, update 3

In the pink box, I added the contents of my magazine. I have sectioned my magazine into four segments. One being 'music' where the articles are based on music. Another being 'interviews', this section holds interviews with music artists (such as 'Niamh'). "Must haves' is another section, this holds articles about new music equipment. Finally, 'events' is the last section. In this section the articles would be about music events which are going to take place. 
I have gave each article a page number, and have organised the articles in chronological order. 

Contents page, update 2

Here I have added 'contents', I have made it the same font as the masthead and positioned it so it so that it fits exactly on the page.

I also began to draw a pink box where I was I going to add the contents of the magazine. 

Monday 28 January 2013

Contents page construction, Update 1

To start my contents page, along the left-hand side I added a rectangular column. In this column, I added the 'Top 40 Singles of the month' and the 'Top 15 Albums of the month'. With this being a music magazine, I thought it would be appropriate to feature the 'Top' singles and albums where they could be easily found and seen. 

With my magazine aimed around 'Niamh', I thought it would be a good idea to have 'Niamh' as the number one of both the single and album of the month. 

Front cover, Update 5

Here I have added the 'essential information' to the magazine. I have added the barcode and placed it at the bottom, left-hand corner. Also, I have gave my magazine it's own website, and placed the address just above the masthead. The price of the magazine (£1.20) is placed beneath the masthead. Finally, I have added an issue number and date. I put this information at the top right-hand corner. 

Also, I wanted to make my main-headline stand out a little more - I used 'blending options' and added a black outline. 

Front cover, update 3

I have now added my sub-headlines to my front cover. I have made it so that my cover doesn't look crowed, but looks busy (i.e. interesting). 
My first headline 'Scorching Singles' is a catchy, rememberable headline - this is due to it's alliteration. The headline is obvious in telling the audience that the article would be about top 'singles'. 
My second headline 'POP takes over' is a short phrase which is also catchy. The headline tells the audience that the article would be about 'pop music'. 
Finally, my third headline 'sugar & spice' is memorable and funny. Due to the uses of alliteration, and it already being a well-know phrase, it would attract the audience to read the magazine. 

I used the 'blending options' to edit the headlines. I wanted to make each headline stand out and look interesting, but at the same time not look as important as the main headline. 

Monday 21 January 2013

Front cover, update 2

Here I have added my main headline. With my masthead being in a white font and my skyline being a yellow background, I chose to make my headline colour(s) to match this. I have made the adjective 'exclusive' yellow and centred that in the middle of the headline. Also, I have edited 'exclusive' so that it is in a slightly bigger font, and also in capital letters. Therefore, this makes the word stand out and appear more interesting to the reader. 
This is the main headline and therefore is the biggest piece of text on the page, making it obvious that it is the main story. Also, it tells the reader that 'Niamh' is the girl on the front cover. 

Front cover, Update 1

This is my magazine in its current state. Firstly, I chose my picture which I wanted to be my dominant image. When I chose my image, I used photoshop to cut out the the background. I edited my image so that it was a medium close up shot. 

After I had edited my image so it was positioned where I wanted it on the page, I added my masthead. As I had already chosen my font that I wanted my masthead to be, I had to position it where I wanted. I made it to be in capital letters, so that it stood out. From here, I went onto blending options and outlined my masthead with a dark purple. With the name of my magazine being 'Sizzzzle', I thought to edit the dark purple so that it had a 'sizzling effect'. 

After I had made my masthead look the way I wanted, I then had to position the text. I made it so that it was placed behind my image. I did this because most professional, well know magazines (such as Billboard, etc) position the image above the masthead. Therefore, by me doing this, it creates the illusion that 'Sizzzzle' is too a professional, well known magazine. \

Finally, I created my skyline and positioned this at the top of the page. Again, with my magazine being called 'Sizzzzle' it relates to danger (i.e. hot). Therefore, I had the idea to create a skyline so that it looked like a police warning tape. 

Monday 14 January 2013

Audience Research and Analysis of Data

Using SurveyMonkey I created a survey asking the public 10 questions. 
The data collected, influenced some decisions that I made when making my magazine. 

Here I asked 'what is your gender' - my results told me that it was almost 50-50. 

By asking 'How often do you buy magazines' this gave me an idea of what to make my magazine. 'Occasionaly' was the most popular answer, therefore I decided to make my magazine come out monthly.  

Most people answered that the would maybe subscribe to a magazine. Therefore I decided to not make it so that you could subscribe to my magazine. 

I asked what genre of music people listen to and pop was the biggest percentage. Therefore, I made my magazine so that it focused more around pop music. 

By asking how old people were, this gave me an idea of what to make my target audience. The biggest percentage by far was 16-20 year olds which is who I aimed my magazine at. 

I asked what type of articles people preferred to read, the biggest percentage of people said interviews. This is why I chose to make my double page spread an interview. 

When asked how much they were prepared to spend buying a magazine, most answered £3.00. With this in mind, I priced my magazine at £2.99. 

Most people preferred to have a magazine that has an equal balance of both text and images. Therefore I made my magazine have an equal balance. 

Most people replied that they are likely to buy 'Heat', this is a gossip magazine. Knowing this, I made my magazine have gossip elements. 

People said that if a magazine was offering a free gift, this would persuade them to buy the magazine. With this in mind, I changed this slightly and offered 'VIP tickets'. With doing this, it would encourage people to buy the magazine, and get people involved. 

Sample background colours

As I have came to a decision on what image I want for my front cover of my magazine, I have decided that it would be a good idea to try out different background colours to try and come to a final decision. 

I finally decided to use a hot pink background. This is down to the fact that it is eye-catching, and would attract my target audience. It will attract my target audience down to the fact that it is bright and colourful. 

Sample fonts for my magazine

Sizzzzzle, Sizzzzzle, Sizzzzzle, Sizzzzzle, Sizzzzzle , Sizzzzzle, SIZZZLE, Sizzzle, Sizzzzle,
SIZZZZLE, SIZZZLE, SIZZZLE, SIZZZLE, SIZZZLE, SIZZZLE, Sizzzle, Sizzzle, Sizzzle, Sizzzle.Sizzzle, Sizzzle, Sizzzzle, Sizzzle, Sizzzle, Sizzzzle, SIZZZLE, Sizzzzle, SIZZZLE, Sizzzzle, Sizzzzle

SIZZZZLE is the font I decided on for my masthead. I decided to make the text bold and in block capitals. I will also use this font continuously through my magazine for the other main headings, essential information, etc. This will make my magazine look neat and structured throughout.  
However for the all of the sell lines I will use font 'Skia', this will attract the reader to look there as it stands out from the other text. E.g. Schorching Singles