Monday 26 November 2012

Double Page Spread Deconstructions

Deconstruction 1: 

  This double page spread is quite dense in text; it has three columns that are full of text. The dominant image used is of Michael Angelakos, who is the subject of the article. The image takes up the whole one side of the double page spread.There is a section that has been outlined, which has small images advertising various artists’ albums. These images all have captions which anchor they’re meaning for the reader, it gives the reader some insight into the particular artist’s career. They also do this using informal language, which can make it easier for some readers to read.Written on top of the main, dominant image is a pull quote. This is a phrase said by Michael Angelakos in the interview. It has been written in big, bold, white, font, this making it the first thing the reader sees/reads. This particular quote reveals a mysterious conversation topic, which may intrigue readers into finding out what made Angelakos say it. The pull quote is the article title as it is a tease to make the reader, read the article with the help of the enigma code.There is another, small pull quote used which also  The overall composition of the double page spread is good. There isn’t much narrative flow on the page. Your eyes are led to the dominant images, and then onto the quote. However, there is nothing connecting the reader’s eyes to the article story.Looking at this particular double page spread, the limited colour palette is in harmony with the colour of the dominant image.

Deconstruction 2:

  This double page spread isn’t dense in text; there is a dominant image that takes up both sides of the page. On top of this image is a small section of text, which only has two columns. The dominant image conveys the subject of the article. The image is quite colorful and intrigues the reader to want to read the article as it gives a sense that it is fun.   

The image of Orlando Higginsbottom also intrigues the reader and makes them want to read as he is looking into their eyes. There is also one extra image used of Higginsbottom, which shows him preforming. Again this tells the reader a bit more about him and what the article is about.
The pull quote used in this article tells the reader what the article is about. With using the adjective ‘enormous’ to describe his record collection, this gives the reader the idea that it’s bigger than it actually is – hence, they want to read the article. Also, by making it stand out by putting it in big, green font it stands out and also adds the thought that it’s bigger and better than other articles.
The overall composition works well as you can easily trace the narrative flow. The reader’s eyes are attracted to Higginsbottom eyes straight away. From there, they are led to the pull quote on the right, and then down to the actual article.
There isn’t a limited colour pallet in this double page spread. There is a big range of different colours used. With this in mind, they are all in harmony with one another. The dominant colour used would green; as this is the colour of the key word used in the pull quote and is used a lot in the dominant picture.

Deconstruction 3: 

  This double page spread has two, small columns full of text. On a whole, the double page spread isn’t very dense in text.  There is one dominant image used that takes up the 3/4 of the two pages. On the left hand side of the page, there are two large pull quotes that draw the reader in. These are used to highlight phrases, which will attract a reader to read the article.
The article isn’t very intriguing for a reader; it uses dull colours that don’t stand out. However, the colours are in harmony with one another and mix well with the colours used in the dominant image. 
There is a drop caps used at the start of the text; this is a conventional feature to guide the reader to the text. The overall composition used across the double page spread is good. The dominant image is of two men talking. With one of the men looking over to the right hand side of the page, this immediately draws the reader to look. With this text being a pull quote; it teases the reader into wanting to find out more about their conversation. 

1 comment:

  1. You have produced three good deconstructions that show your awareness of the key features and conventions of double page spreads. You have made reference to use of colours, fonts, narrative flow etc., and have discussed how these have been designed to appeal to the reader. You have also correctly used relevant media terminology.

