Thursday 8 November 2012

Main Task Proposal Table

Type of Magazine (fashion, music, etc)

Music magazine, which will contain stories about various bands and artists.
Name of Magazine

Audience (male/female)

A young female audience, preferably teenagers to young adults.
Audience (attitudes and interests)

There interests will be reading about known artists that are popular in the charts. They will be reading reviews on the latest albums and singles. Also it will feature interviews from music artist.
Outlet (where it can be bought from?)

Newsagents, Supermarkets and Online digital subscriptions.
Necessary Information

Barcode, price, issue number, issue date and articles.
Selling Point

Original as it is a music magazine that is aimed at young females.
Theme (article)

An interview with the artists on the cover.
Images Front Cover

Main image will be of a young female artist. With extra images giving the reader an insight to what else the magazine contains.
Images Inside

Article images, with extra images of other articles. The main articles will have a more dominant image.

1 comment:

  1. You have completed the initial proposal table for your magazine. The next step is to think about each area in greater detail and complete the stage 2 proposal table.
