Monday 26 November 2012

Double Page Spread Deconstructions

Deconstruction 1: 

  This double page spread is quite dense in text; it has three columns that are full of text. The dominant image used is of Michael Angelakos, who is the subject of the article. The image takes up the whole one side of the double page spread.There is a section that has been outlined, which has small images advertising various artists’ albums. These images all have captions which anchor they’re meaning for the reader, it gives the reader some insight into the particular artist’s career. They also do this using informal language, which can make it easier for some readers to read.Written on top of the main, dominant image is a pull quote. This is a phrase said by Michael Angelakos in the interview. It has been written in big, bold, white, font, this making it the first thing the reader sees/reads. This particular quote reveals a mysterious conversation topic, which may intrigue readers into finding out what made Angelakos say it. The pull quote is the article title as it is a tease to make the reader, read the article with the help of the enigma code.There is another, small pull quote used which also  The overall composition of the double page spread is good. There isn’t much narrative flow on the page. Your eyes are led to the dominant images, and then onto the quote. However, there is nothing connecting the reader’s eyes to the article story.Looking at this particular double page spread, the limited colour palette is in harmony with the colour of the dominant image.

Deconstruction 2:

  This double page spread isn’t dense in text; there is a dominant image that takes up both sides of the page. On top of this image is a small section of text, which only has two columns. The dominant image conveys the subject of the article. The image is quite colorful and intrigues the reader to want to read the article as it gives a sense that it is fun.   

The image of Orlando Higginsbottom also intrigues the reader and makes them want to read as he is looking into their eyes. There is also one extra image used of Higginsbottom, which shows him preforming. Again this tells the reader a bit more about him and what the article is about.
The pull quote used in this article tells the reader what the article is about. With using the adjective ‘enormous’ to describe his record collection, this gives the reader the idea that it’s bigger than it actually is – hence, they want to read the article. Also, by making it stand out by putting it in big, green font it stands out and also adds the thought that it’s bigger and better than other articles.
The overall composition works well as you can easily trace the narrative flow. The reader’s eyes are attracted to Higginsbottom eyes straight away. From there, they are led to the pull quote on the right, and then down to the actual article.
There isn’t a limited colour pallet in this double page spread. There is a big range of different colours used. With this in mind, they are all in harmony with one another. The dominant colour used would green; as this is the colour of the key word used in the pull quote and is used a lot in the dominant picture.

Deconstruction 3: 

  This double page spread has two, small columns full of text. On a whole, the double page spread isn’t very dense in text.  There is one dominant image used that takes up the 3/4 of the two pages. On the left hand side of the page, there are two large pull quotes that draw the reader in. These are used to highlight phrases, which will attract a reader to read the article.
The article isn’t very intriguing for a reader; it uses dull colours that don’t stand out. However, the colours are in harmony with one another and mix well with the colours used in the dominant image. 
There is a drop caps used at the start of the text; this is a conventional feature to guide the reader to the text. The overall composition used across the double page spread is good. The dominant image is of two men talking. With one of the men looking over to the right hand side of the page, this immediately draws the reader to look. With this text being a pull quote; it teases the reader into wanting to find out more about their conversation. 

The Simpsons Film Poster

This is my film poster for the Simpson's Movie that I have created. I have done this task to develop my photoshop skills.
Firstly, I searched on Google images for suitable images of Homer Simpson. I was lucky enough to find a picture of both Homer and Bart where they look as if they are coming out of the image. I copied this image from Google onto Photoshop and made it my background layer. From this I searched 'The Simpsons Movie' and it gave me a logo with a black background; which I thought would work well with my chosen background image. After this I needed to add the release date to the poster, I used the text tool for this. With using this tool, it developed my editing skills.

Monday 19 November 2012

Jarvis Cocker

I followed the basic principles of photoshop to develop my skills using this programme.
I started by opening my file and unlocking my background layer. From there, I moved on to editing the brightness and contrast of image. I then duplicated the layer, this allowed me to view the existing order of layers. I then used the Magic Wand on the coloured background, this allowed me to pick a different colour for my background. After this, I entered my text and positioned it how I wanted it. Finally, I added my barcode.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Main Task Proposal Table

Type of Magazine (fashion, music, etc)

Music magazine, which will contain stories about various bands and artists.
Name of Magazine

Audience (male/female)

A young female audience, preferably teenagers to young adults.
Audience (attitudes and interests)

There interests will be reading about known artists that are popular in the charts. They will be reading reviews on the latest albums and singles. Also it will feature interviews from music artist.
Outlet (where it can be bought from?)

Newsagents, Supermarkets and Online digital subscriptions.
Necessary Information

Barcode, price, issue number, issue date and articles.
Selling Point

Original as it is a music magazine that is aimed at young females.
Theme (article)

An interview with the artists on the cover.
Images Front Cover

Main image will be of a young female artist. With extra images giving the reader an insight to what else the magazine contains.
Images Inside

Article images, with extra images of other articles. The main articles will have a more dominant image.

Deconstruction of 3 contents pages

The masthead is positioned right at the top of the page. It has a font style that is eye catching and will appeal to a viewer who may be interested in buying the magazine.
The masthead is placed on a black background and is in big, red, bold letters. This again, attracts the viewer’s attention.
After the name of the magazine ‘NME’, it says ‘THIS WEEK’. This is also in the same font as ‘NME’, and on a black background. However, ‘THIS WEEK’ has been written in big, bold, white wringing in comparison to ‘NME’ being in red. It still catches the audience’s attention, but not as much as the actual name of the magazine.

Necessary Information
The date has been written fully underneath the masthead also on top of the black background. It is in a smaller font but still clear enough to be easily read by the audience.
On this particular magazine contents page, there is no issue number, page number or website information.

The text on this magazine contents page is mainly made up of sub headings – which is clearly informing the audience what will be in the magazine.  There is quite a lot of writing on this contents page, however I don’t think there is too much text.
There is part of a story in the middle of the contents page – this is the only place where there is a lot of txt.
The sub-headings are structured in the same order, as they are when you are reading the magazine.  It has a good layout, as it is very clear for the audience to read.

The fonts used are big ad bold. Depending on what the text is on the page (sub-heading, etc.) depends on what the font is.
Mostly all of the fonts used are the same, especially on all the headings.
I think the fonts are bold and easy to read, therefore will attract people to buy the magazine.

There aren’t many images used on this contents page. There is one image that has been split into two, that is associated with music. At the bottom of the contents page, there is an image of another NME Magazine, which is there telling people to subscribe to the magazine.
The images aren’t anchored and there is no writing over any of the images.
They have been positioned neatly and easy to see.

On this contents page, there is more text in relation to images - It is massively text led!
It is framed very neatly, as it has it’s masthead at the top; band index on the left hand side of the page; sub-heading down the right hand side of the page; and has it’s images in the center of the page; with a story underneath.

Linguistic features
In the text, they have used some alliteration – this is mainly written in a small font, underneath the sub-headings along the right hand side of the page.
Also, the main story is mostly just about name-dropping bands, e.g. Oasis and the Crouch End Choir.

On this contents cover, there aren’t many colours used.  The colours used are continues and go well with each other.  In particular, red, black, white and yellow is used. These colours are every eye catching and make the font really easy to read.

The images have a dark and mysterious colour to them. However, this could attract a certain audience.

The masthead is positioned right in the center at the top of the page. It is in a very simple font and I think it makes the magazine appear dull and boring.
It is placed on a white background and is in a black font; therefore it is easy to read. However, the color black blends into the rest of the colors used, making this not very attractive for the viewers.

Necessary Information
The date has been written above the masthead, positioned on the top left hand side. It is also in black font; therefore it doesn’t stand out to the audience and looks unprofessional. In this particular magazine, there is an issue number – again in black font on a white background.
The necessary information looks dull and isn’t very eye catching.

On a whole, looking at the contents page, there isn’t much text at all. There is sub-heading in a list which has a slight description next to each heading. There is text around the images used on the contents page, which explain a bit about that image to the reader.
The structure of the text is very boring and appears more like a list, this again making the magazine contents page look unprofessional and unattractive.

The fonts used appear to be the same throughout the whole page. It is plain, dull and simple and is not eye-catching in anyway. It looks unprofessional and is not the easiest to read.

The images used look like they have just been placed onto the page and don’t look as if they fit really well. They haven’t been laid out very well and wouldn’t attract the audience’s attention.

There is more text in relation to images on this contents page. I don’t think the page has a neat structure as it looks messy and unprofessional.

Linguistic Features
There aren’t any linguistic features on this magazine.
The colours used on this magazine are dull and boring. The images don’t have much colour to them either and wouldn’t attract a reader. 

The masthead is positioned at the top left hand side of the page. It is in relatively small font. It looks neat and professional and easy to read with it being white font on a red background. 

Necessary Information
The date has been written fully on the top left hand side of the page. Again, it is in white font; however it is on a black background and is in slightly smaller font. Underneath is there website and bebo address, which is in small, white font. 

This contents page is text led compared to image led. The text is structured neatly. The text throughout the whole of the page has kept to the same color scheme. All of the page heading and extra information has been written in black font. The headings have been written in larger, white font and have been placed on wither a red or black background.

The fonts used on this contents page are all very simple and easy to read – block capitals have been used throughout. With the same font being used across the whole page, this adds to its professional look.

There has been one main image used of a band on this contents page. It is relatively big, but doesn’t take up the whole page. It looks professional as it has been neatly placed with the text surrounding it.
There is one other image used which is very small and is there to give the reader a little more insight as to what is in the magazine.

There is more text in comparison to images on this contents page. I think the contents page looks professional as it is neatly structured and doesn’t look messy. The way it has been framed would attract a reader’s attention as it is easy to read, which gives the thought that the whole magazine will be easy to read.

Linguistic features
I cannot see any linguistic features on this magazine page. However, I can see that there is lots of name-dropping bands, e.g. Kings of Leon, Kaiser Chiefs and Oasis.

On this magazine contents page, it has stuck to a colour scheme. They have used eye catching colours (red) and have used the colour white to mix with the colours to make it more eye catching to a reader.
With using the same colour scheme throughout, it makes the whole framing of the contents page look professional.