Thursday 14 March 2013

Final Update - Double Page Spread

For my double page spread, I again altered a few little things. 
Firstly, I read through my article and corrected any spelling mistakes I made. A one that I made a few times was 'schedule', I was writing 'scheual'. I also corrected some other grammar mistakes that I made: sence instead of sense; adding a full stop at the end of a sentence; adding in words that I missed out; and correcting 'too' to 'to'. 

I have also added page numbers at the bottom of the page, thus adding to make it look realistic. When adding these page numbers, I used the ruler tool so that they were both in line with one another. 

For the pull quote, I wanted to make it more eye-catching. To do this, I used the blending options and gave it a black outline. 
I also edited the positioning of the caption, by doing this it fits better into the page and looks neater. 

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