Thursday 14 March 2013

Final Update - Contents Page

On my contents page, I made a few more changes. 
On the left-hand side of the page, I had a blue column which held the 'Top 40 Singles of the month' and the "Top 15 Albums of the month". Now, I have changed it so that it is now a pink column. With doing this, the black text is a lot more clearer for the reader to read. On top of this, to make the headings "Top 40 Singles of the month' and 'Top 15 Albums of the month' stand out, I went onto blending options and gave it a black outline. Thus making the heading stand out more. 

Also, I have altered the headings that sector my magazine: music, interviews, must haves and event. All of these headings were different and not consistent, therefore I wanted to change this.  I made it so that each heading was exactly the same - I made them all have a red glow. 

I also had a few spelling mistakes, such as 'MUST HAVS' instead of 'MUST HAVES' and 'TICKTS' instead of 'TICKETS'. So I re-read all of my page and fixed these mistakes. 

Also, when writing in the contents of the magazine, I have not consistently used a capital letter for each word. So I went through and changed 'Pop takes over' to 'Pop Takes Over'. By doing this, I have made it look consistent throughout and more professional. 

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