Thursday 14 March 2013

Final Update - Double Page Spread

For my double page spread, I again altered a few little things. 
Firstly, I read through my article and corrected any spelling mistakes I made. A one that I made a few times was 'schedule', I was writing 'scheual'. I also corrected some other grammar mistakes that I made: sence instead of sense; adding a full stop at the end of a sentence; adding in words that I missed out; and correcting 'too' to 'to'. 

I have also added page numbers at the bottom of the page, thus adding to make it look realistic. When adding these page numbers, I used the ruler tool so that they were both in line with one another. 

For the pull quote, I wanted to make it more eye-catching. To do this, I used the blending options and gave it a black outline. 
I also edited the positioning of the caption, by doing this it fits better into the page and looks neater. 

Final Update - Contents Page

On my contents page, I made a few more changes. 
On the left-hand side of the page, I had a blue column which held the 'Top 40 Singles of the month' and the "Top 15 Albums of the month". Now, I have changed it so that it is now a pink column. With doing this, the black text is a lot more clearer for the reader to read. On top of this, to make the headings "Top 40 Singles of the month' and 'Top 15 Albums of the month' stand out, I went onto blending options and gave it a black outline. Thus making the heading stand out more. 

Also, I have altered the headings that sector my magazine: music, interviews, must haves and event. All of these headings were different and not consistent, therefore I wanted to change this.  I made it so that each heading was exactly the same - I made them all have a red glow. 

I also had a few spelling mistakes, such as 'MUST HAVS' instead of 'MUST HAVES' and 'TICKTS' instead of 'TICKETS'. So I re-read all of my page and fixed these mistakes. 

Also, when writing in the contents of the magazine, I have not consistently used a capital letter for each word. So I went through and changed 'Pop takes over' to 'Pop Takes Over'. By doing this, I have made it look consistent throughout and more professional. 

Monday 11 March 2013

Front Cover - Final Update

For the final touches of my front cover, I have changed a few things. 
I have altered the price, and raised it to £2.99. I have done this based on the fact that it is a monthly magazine. Therefore, the price will be higher than what a weekly magazine is priced at. 

Along with this I have changed the appearance of the sell-lines. I have gave them all the same appearance so that it looks more neatly structured and professional. I achieved this by using the blending options and setting every piece of text so that they are the same. 

Wednesday 6 March 2013


In the planning of making my magazine, I had to decide what photographs I wanted to include in my magazine and why. I took a handful of photos and then had to decide if I wanted to include them in the magazine or not. 

This is a picture that I took of myself. I like how I am positioned in the picture, and think my hair and make-up looks good. My appearance was a big factor for me, as all it is the image that pulls people to the magazine.
I decided to use this as my main image because I think that with be

This is another image that I was debating on using for my main image. 
I decided not to use this image as I didn't particularly like how my head was positioned. I preferred my other image as my face was more visible and clearer for the audience to see. 

This was also another image I considered to have for my front cover. However, I came to the conclusion that the colour top I was wearing, doesn't match my colour scheme. Therefore I didn't want to have it for my main image. 

This is an image I used on my contents page, it is of my friend and I. I used this image to link it to 'Niamh's Exclusive Interview'. By using this image, I think it informs the reader that the interview will be looking into Niamh's personal life as well as her 'famous' one. 

These are two images I took when there was a firework display. With these two pictures, I have incorporated them into to my contents page by saying that there was a music event taking place 'Firework Night'. With adding these images it makes the magazine more interesting as it makes the reader want to find out how to participate in the event. 

This is another image that I took and incorporated it into the magazine by casing it as an event that you could take part in 'Country Communion'. Again, by doing this it makes the magazine appear more interesting. 

This was a image I was going to add to my DPS, however I decided not to as I changed my article and the image wouldn't have fit in. 

Similarly, I was going to add this to my DPS, but it mix well with the article. 

This was a picture of myself that I was going to use on my DPS, however I didn't like the lighting so decided not to. Along with the lighting, I felt like you couldn't see my face very well.

Finally, I chose this picture of myself to have as the dominant image (only image) in my DPS. I was going to keep all three of us in the picture, but felt it looked better with just myself as the article was about 'Niamh'. 
I therefore used my photoshop skills to cut out the picture so that only I was visible for the reader to see.