Thursday 6 December 2012

Stage 2 Magazine Proposal

Describe your idea for the brief:
My idea for my magazine is that it will be a ‘pop magazine’. A magazine that talks about all the gossip in the pop world.
It will contain articles and interviews from popular music artists, talking about their new albums/singles and what their life is like on tour.

Genre/ sub genre:
The genre I will be aiming for is Pop music and pop artists.
The music magazine ‘Billboard’ has inspired me, I want my magazine to be classed under the same genre as that magazine. Whereas the music magazine “NME’ is good and successful, I wouldn’t buy it. Therefore, I would rather go for the same genre as Billboard.
Target audience:
My magazine will be aimed at a female target audience, 16-25 year olds. The magazine is for girls who are interested in reading about both music and gossip.
For me to achieve this target audience, I will have to have certain characteristics. I will use a more feminine colour pallet and the article will contain ‘scandal and gossip’ which would attract my target audience.
Major conventions:
I will have one dominant image on my front cover and will have my masthead at the top of the page. I will make sure my front cover has all of its essential information visible and easy to read. I will make my make sure my main headline stands out and you can easily distinguish the difference when comparing it to other sub headlines.
On the double page spread, I will use a kicker and also some pull quotes.
I am planning on sticking to the normal conventions used and keeping it similar to Billboard Magazine.
Original images: 
I am planning on using myself for my photos. I will make my magazine as if I’m a celebrity music artist. I will have myself as the dominant image on the front cover, and on the double age spread. I’m not planning on using any extra images on the font cover. However, on the contents page, I will take a few extra images of a few of my friends and make them music artists.
For my dominant image of myself that I will use on the front cover, It will be a close up shot and will have a plain background.
On the double page spread, I am planning on having an interview with the music artist. Therefore, I don’t think I will need many images on my double page spread because I don’t want it to be crowded.

Potential difficulties/ Plan B:
The only difficulty that I think I might have is getting the right image. This is because as I am making myself the main artist, I have to trust someone else to take my photographs. Therefore, they may not come out exactly how I hoped. As a plan B, I would have to result into taking photos of someone else.  

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