Wednesday 12 December 2012

Proposal Table with Potential Problems

Potential area where there might be a problem
How I will deal with this problem
Front cover images

Since I am the main model for my magazine, I may have some problems when it comes to choosing the right image. This is because I will need to trust someone to be able to take a decent photograph of me, the way I want it.
I know what framework I want for my photograph and I know what type of shot I want of myself.
With me having to pass over this responsibility, I will not have as much input as I would have liked.
If I am not happy with the outcome of the photography, I will have to result in changing my model to someone else. Therefore giving me the responsibility to be in charge of the entire framework.

Article Inside Magazine
On my double page spread, my article is going to be an ‘EXCLUSIVE Interview’.
I will be asking my music artist all about her career. I will have to balance the questions and answers so they are the same when talking about gossip and music.
One of the problems that I may have when writing this article, is to make it sound realistic but at the same time interesting. Therefore, I need to watch the size of my article. My aim is to make sure it is not too heavily text led but on the same hand not image led.

Images to accompany article

I will be using a few extra images to accompany my article. I will get a few day-to-day images of my artist and place them on my double page spread. A problem I might have with this is making the images look like they fit into the article.
Also, on my contents page, I need to take a few extra images of “other artists”. I may have a problem finding enough people willing to pose as other music artists.

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