Saturday 6 April 2013

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? 


"In order to make my magazine I had to learn how to use Adobe Photoshop. I had never used this programme before, so it was hard for me at first. However, I did a few tasks beforehand to develop my skills. ‘Photoshop Development Skills’.
I had never used SurveyMonkey before creating this product. I found this programme easy to use. It was also very quick and easy. To get an audience to give me feedback, I posted a link to my survey on Facebook.
Facebook is a programme that I am extremely familiar with. I found that posting links on my Facebook helped me develop my knowledge on who my target audience was and what they wanted from my magazine. It is a dependable source to use to gain feedback from friends and family. 
I had never made any type of blog before constructing this product. I found ‘blogger’ very easy to use and would defiantly consider using it in the future."

Using Photoshop, I edited this photo of 3 of us and turned it into a image purely of me. 

Also using Photoshop, I edited an image of myself. I think I edited this image to a good standard and used the tools correctly. 

These are all of the programmes I used in developing my product: 

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