Monday 11 February 2013

DPS, Update 5

Now I have added a pull quote and a caption. 
The pull quote was a quote taken from my interview. By using a pull quote, I think it will attract a reader to read the interview as it makes them want to find out what was said and asked. 
The caption gives information on the image - it informs the reader where it was taken. 

DPS, Update 4

I have now wrote the content of my article. I have set it out so that it looks as if it were in a professional magazine. I used the ruler tool to work out the exact measurements to make sure the page was structured neatly. I made 3 columns to hold the contents of my article, by doing this it adds to making it appear to a higher standard. This is because in most magazines, there will be at least 3 columns. 
At the beginning of the article, I gave some background information on Niamh and edited this in bold font. Again this is what is done in actual magazines, therefore makes it look professional. Also, in the interview, I have distinguished the interviewer from the interviewee. I have done this by using a bold font for the interviewer and a regular font for the interviewee. 

DPS, Update 3

I have edited the layout of my DPS, I found the mid-point of the page (20cm) and edited 'Niamh:' so that it was positioned on the other page. To do this, I used transform controls to edit my masthead and sub-headline. 
With doing this, my page looks better structured as it has a better layout. 

Contents Page, Update 8

I have now linked the images with the articles, I have made it easy for the reader to find as I have labelled the images with page numbers. 

Contents Page, Update 7

I have now added the images to my contents page. I have linked in each image with an article story. I have structured the images so that they are in line with on another, and look neat and professional. Also, all my images are the same size - this again making it look professional. 

Monday 4 February 2013

DPS, Update 2

I have, again, used the same text and colour as the masthead and made the title of the page 'Niamh:'. Underneath this, I have added a sub-headline 'Hot New Lifestyle'. I have kept the same font, but coloured it in a blue. With using the blue, it still matches the DPS as in the image on Niamh, she is wearing the colour 'mint green'. 

DPS, Update 1

I have now started my double page spread. I have started with an image of 'Niamh' and used photoshop to cut out the image so that it is only of her. 
After I had successfully cut the image out, I positioned the image to the left-hand of the DPS. The image takes up half of the DPS and therefore has a page to itself. 

Contents Page, Update 6

Now I wanted to to make my title sections of my magazine stand out. I did this again by using the 'blending options' and adding shadows to make the text stand out more. For each section I gave it a different colour. I did this so that each section looked exciting and encourage the reader to read it. 

Contents Page, Update 5

Using the small section at the bottom of the contents page, I have gave details on how to 'get involved'. To make this advert stand out I used the 'blending options' to add a shadow to the text - thus making it more eye-catching and inviting.